Welcome to my website. Here you'll find more information about projects and workshops


In a visual attractive play 14 girls battle for the leading part.


the opening performance of the Amateurtheaterfestival 2005 in Utrecht

Romeo en Julia

in this adaptation of “Romeo and Juliet” the focus was the pressure that parents exercise on their children to have sex. Romeo and Juliet do not appear on the scene

Hij / Zij

4 women have a relationship with one man… true love … right or wrong?

Achter gesloten deuren

Scripted reality series “Achter gesloten deuren” from the TV channel NET5 in the Netherlands.

BCC Commercial

Commercial BCC on Dutch TV and radio

PTA meeting

TG Playback – PTA meeting “communicating with adolescents”

Subuk @ Oerol Festival

At the Oerol festival 2011 I performed as the bartender in an interactive installation made by SUBUK

Cup-a-Soup Commercial

Commercial Cup-a-Soup on Dutch TV

Tg PlayBack – Hotspot

An interactive performance about friendship, drugs and alcohol abuse